© Marius Gundersen

Announcing New Pricing Tiers

So you think that I’m writing this post to tell you we’re raising our prices, right? Nope!

Const Ivanov
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2017


We’ve done a lot of analysis and collected your feedback on our pricing tiers, and we realized that a growing 3DP business requires more “freedom” to achieve new goals. So today we’re announcing a new VIP” pricing tier, which includes 1000 quotes, dedicated support, third-party integrations and all advanced features for only $199 per month (in case of long-term commitment).

Updated Pricing Tiers

Yes, this is our new web site is coming in September

We built our pricing tiers on a long-term-commitment basis, because we know that our customers are in it for the long run, just like we are, and we want to support you along the way. Plus, it’s much cheaper :). Anyway, you will still be able to use our product on the Free plan.

Let me describe some important benefits on the new plans:

  • We are canceling the 25% rollover rate, so all unused quotes are fully (yes, 100%) carried forward to the following month in all pricing plans;
  • We continue to offer a Free plan, which will include 30 quotes/mo, a limit of 5 models per time multi upload and without advanced features (like Discounts, Smart Manual Check, etc.)
  • We start offering third-party integrations (Salesforce, SAP, Quickbooks, Google Adwords, Facebook Pixel, etc.) in our long-term Premium and VIP plans;
  • We provide dedicated development support for VIP users, which means the ability to change the widget layout, etc.;

For our current customers on “old” plans nothing will change, except some advanced new features, which will be allocated according to plans, as indicated below:

The full list of features

Last, but not least, we updated the Terms and Conditions, please read them carefully.

If you have any feedback on these changes, please get in touch with us at hello@digifabster.com. Or if you want to talk to us directly, you’re welcome to chat.

